Saturday, February 14, 2009

Human Tree

Human Tree
Bandung (ANTARA) - Dede (38) trees will be given a human or medicinal bark special gel to kill the virus of human papiloma virus (HPV) or wart virus that attacked him.

Said Chairman Tim doctor Dede, dr Grace Dinata who accompanied Director RSHS Bandung, Prof. Dr. dr Rachiana cissy Sudjana Prawira, in conference to the journalist, in the Press Room RSHS Bandung, on Thursday.

"This medicinal bark or gel will be smeared on the left arm Dede. This is still the pilot, because there is fear of side effects," said Rahmat.

According to him, medicinal bark this is a form of drug Cidofovir recommended by expert Dermatology from Maryland USA, Prof. Anthony Gaspari.

The telling, for giving this medication to Dede Cidofovir is feared will cause side effects such as swelling kidney Dede.

Therefore, to reduce side effects caused from the drug Cidofovir, the Pharmacy team and its successful ITB changing patterns of drug to the body Dede.

"If the first drug is liquid form so how to enter the body through Dede injected while now just dioles just because of medicinal bark," he said.

The states, the operation Dede ninth this time, the 1.6 Kg successful growth in the face, neck, and chest and running smoothly.

"Level difficulty operating time is not complicated previous operations, can say everything went smoothly-oiled it," said Rahmat dr.

Drug Cidofovir, a drug that contains the CITO megalo virus (CMV), which can kill human papiloma virus (HPV), which attacks the wart virus Dede, he said.

By the government

Director RSHS Bandung, Prof. Dr. dr Rachiana cissy Sudjana Prawira, states, all expenses will be borne by the government Dede.

"Because of Dede is a specific patient from the Ministry of Health, all financing by the government or Mrs. health minister," he said.

According to him, since a few days ago, a copy of the financing for the operation and maintenance RSHS Dede in Bandung has been sent to the Minister of Health RI.

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